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Fashionably Flawed Page 17
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Page 17
“Fate first or the Trolls?” Mother Nature asked, still staring at Elle.
Yanking my mind from concepts I couldn’t comprehend, I made a decision. “Trolls first. Fate second. I want Elle’s soul back.”
“And I want yours,” she said quietly.
For the first time in my life I was sad—not angry—that I didn’t have a soul to give her.
“I don’t have one.”
She tilted her head and smiled. “You most certainly do, Lucifer.”
My given name on her lips slayed me.
“I’m sorry, Adrielle, but I don’t.”
“What a silly bad man you are,” she admonished me. “Your soul is actually quite beautiful—little dark around the edges—but it’s a blinding gold.”
Too overwhelmed to speak, I simply nodded. I had no soul, but if it made her feel happy to think I did, so be it.
“Mother, you and Sadie will stay here. We can’t have both the Sirens in the same place—too dangerous. Elle, do you know where your soul is kept?”
“In a locket around the Troll King’s neck.”
“How inconvenient,” I muttered and ran my hand through my hair. Whatever. It would give me insane pleasure to remove the bastard’s head to retrieve my Siren’s soul.
“I know the entire layout of the Troll Palace. Unfortunately. I’ve visited many times over the last thousand years,” Elle added. “We’ll get in and out quickly.”
I doubted that since I wasn’t going to leave any Troll alive that could come after my Siren. But she didn’t need to know that yet.
“Shall I alert backup?” my mother asked.
“I’m the Lord of Darkness, Mother. I’m all the backup we need.”
Chapter Eighteen
“This isn’t the Troll King’s Palace, Lucifer,” Elle said, with a grin and a suspicious expression on her lovely face.
Her delight and distrust made my pants uncomfortably tight. Hell, everything she did made my pants uncomfortably tight. Thankfully, my balls were still functioning after the horrifying visit to my mother’s abode.
“No. It’s definitely not the Troll King’s Palace, Adrielle,” I agreed and impatiently pulled her through an intricately carved teak door into a suite of rooms I’d never taken another woman to.
My Siren walked around the sinful suite and ran her hands over the black silk duvet on the enormous bed. “Very masculine and dark. If I were to take a guess, I’d have to say you Steve Perry-ed me.”
“Interesting conjecture,” I replied as I removed my suit coat and tossed it on the sleek black leather couch.
“From the look of the décor, I’d surmise that I’m standing in the bedroom of the one and only Harbinger of Evil. I might have to get a restraining order…”
“You’re such a smart-mouthed little Siren,” I said as I yanked her close and buried my face in her blonde hair. “Look at us.”
I turned so we faced the decadent floor to ceiling mirror, but kept a tight hold on her so she wouldn’t slip away. The contrast in our coloring was striking. She was the perfect light to my dark. Her luminous skin glowed against the olive complexion of my own.
“Beautiful,” I murmured. “Mine.”
“Not yet I’m not,” she replied dreamily, staring at our reflection.
“Of course you are,” I said.
She said nothing as she pulled away and examined the priceless artifacts scattered around the room. Her movement was practiced, but her true sensuality was bone deep. I knew I would never tire of staring at her—sparring with her—being set ablaze by her.
Now I just wanted to be inside her.
“I want you.”
“I know,” she said, turning to me.
“Is that all you have to say?” I asked with an amused smirk.
“No, but you seem to go deaf when we discuss this little issue.”
“There is nothing little about it,” I said referring to the very large erection tenting my custom Hugo Boss pants.
She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “It’s a very big and potentially life ending risk.”
“Very big? Yes. Potentially life ending? Absolutely not. Besides, I’d rather end my life in your arms than live another moment not inside you.”
“Very poetic, Devil.”
“I try, Siren.”
“Not sure I want to be responsible for the death of the Lord of Darkness,” she said. “I’m unpopular enough for being what I am.”
Shrugging, I loosened my tie and stepped out of my shoes. “According to my mother, I’m the only immortal being that can have you. We were apparently made for each other.”
“And this is the same batshit crazy mother who lives with monkeys and likes to wax poetic about your pride and joy?” she asked with her brow raised high.
My grin was wide and all I wanted to do was grab her and kiss her senseless. “Yes, the very same one who controls the weather, pole dances, pours vats of bleach over Fate’s head and puts her in a choke hold.”
“Hmm… I think I like your mother. She hugs kind of hard, but she did produce a very handsome and dishonorable son.”
“And we mustn’t forget—one hung like a horse,” I added, taking off my belt and unbuttoning my pants.
“Right,” she purred. “Confirmed by the voodoo doctor.”
“Come here, Adrielle.”
She paused and glared at me, but her expression was filled with a longing so intense I forgot to breathe.
“This is wrong, Lucifer.”
“Everything about me is wrong. Hasn’t seemed to bother you yet,” I reminded her.
“Too many wrongs do not add up to a right,” she said a tone so sultry I had to hold on to the chair I was standing next to. “They can add up to death.”
Slowly and methodically, I slid my shirt from my body and dropped it to the floor with unsteady hands. Her eyes went wide as she admired me.
“Beautiful,” she whispered. Elle’s eyes blazed a bright amethyst and the gold rings around them sparkled. “But we can’t do this. Didn’t you hear a word I said?”
“I did. Doesn’t apply to me so I’m ignoring it. Come.”
“I can’t,” she whispered as her feet involuntarily began to move toward me.
“You can,” I coaxed her with my voice. “You will. I’ll make sure of it.”
“Devil, if you die, I swear on everything unholy I will chase down your soul and kill it again,” she threatened as her hands tentatively discovered my chest and shoulders.
“Good luck with that.”
Snapping my fingers, I removed what was left of our clothing and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. The thought occurred to me that there might not be a tomorrow. Not because our union would kill me, but because the darkness felt closer than it had ever been.
If it were tangible, I would destroy it, but it was elusive and untouchable.
“Here’s the thing,” she muttered against my lips as my hands found her full breasts I ran my thumbs over her gorgeous dusky pink nipples. “I really can’t think when you do that,” she gasped out and let her head fall back on her shoulders.
“I’ve found that thinking is highly overrated,” I replied as my open mouth slid from her lips to her neck.
Elle jerked and shuddered in my arms making my dick pulse with a desire so potent I felt dizzy. I’d barely touched her and was so close to coming it was absurd.
“Just let me pleasure you. I don’t need sex. I’ve gone thousands of years without it—no biggie,” she begged, running all her words together in her distress. “I can’t lose you. I’m terrified of losing you.”
Her words gave me pause along with a feeling I was unfamiliar with—hope. A very strange sensation indeed. What was this woman doing to me? I actually half believed I had a soul.
“Do you really think I would do this if I truly thought I would die?” I asked as my hungry mouth replaced my hands on her breasts—not her bosom—her breasts.
“No, but everyone has an off day. I’
m pretty irresistible,” she pointed out with a moan of pleasure as my lips and tongue tasted her body.
I stopped—to both her dismay and mine. Raising her chin so our eyes met, I tilted my head and stared hard. “That you are, my beauty. Why not try this idea on for size? Don’t you find it odd that I have no attraction to your mother at all and yet she too is a Siren?”
My greedy hands found her perfect rounded ass and squeezed, to her gasping delight.
“You don’t feel anything?” she asked, shocked as her delicate fingers moved down my body with lightning speed and introduced themselves to my pride and joy.
“No. Nothing at all,” I confirmed as I watched her hands wrap provocatively around me. It was all I could do to make intelligent sound, but I had more to say. “Our attraction has nothing to do with your magical charms or mine, and everything to do with simply who we are and what’s happening between us. Which leads me to assume that this is our fate.”
“Never assume, Devil. It always makes an ass out of you and me, but especially you,” she said, stroking me and watching for my reaction.
I didn’t disappoint.
Growling with desire, I scooped my seductress off her feet and tossed her gorgeous body on the bed. Her laughter filled the cavernous room and I grinned. Her blonde hair and pale skin on the black duvet were the most beautiful sight I’d seen.
“You lie,” she announced, pointing a lovely finger at me as mirth danced in her eyes.
“As do you.”
“Guilty as charged,” Elle replied, sitting up and patting the space next to her. “We’re going to have to make a pact.”
“A pact?” I questioned, moving to her and gathering her in my arms.
She nodded and rested her head on my chest. It felt like home—another first for me.
“We have to have a secret signal that means we must tell the truth. Of course not all the time. That would be horrible.”
“Not to mention impossible,” I added.
“Right. But occasionally we have to be honest.”
“How about Tuesdays?” I suggested.
“Umm… no,” she said with a giggle as she slapped my arm. “There’s no way in Hell I can be honest for twenty four hours straight.”
“Fine point. Well made,” I said as I eased her back on the mountain of goose down pillows and lay beside her. “What did you have in mind?”
“Hand to the heart means honesty,” she replied, taking my face in her warm hands and searching my eyes for assent.
“My heart is cold and black,” I told her. “Not sure you’d want to bet on it.”
“Oh, I’ll bet on your heart because I shall have it soon enough,” she informed me smugly as I let her push me to my back and straddle me. “Question is… will you win mine?”
“I’ll steal it—don’t have to win it,” I told her with a bark of laughter that changed immediately to a groan of satisfaction as she slid down my body and got up close and personal with my very excited dick.
“Please try,” she said peeking up at me through the golden strands of her hair.
She wasn’t joking. She wasn’t lying. She was very serious and I wasn’t sure how to respond. This woman undid me and threw me for loops I wasn’t aware existed.
“Adrielle,” I said, putting my hands under her arms and pulling her up so we were face to face. “I’m Satan. I’m not capable of love. When I fell from the Heavens, that luxury was stolen from me. If my love is what you want, you’ll be fighting a battle that can’t be won.”
She stared at me for a long moment as she considered her next move. “Let me ask you this. How does it make you feel to know that I could disappear and you would never see me again?” she questioned, gently tracing my lips as she watched my face intently.
It was if the wind had been violently punched from my lungs. My hands tightened on her body and there wasn’t a breath of space between us.
“I forbid you to leave,” I ground out through clenched teeth. My eyes went red and my hands grew hot with flame.
Elle’s delighted laugh slightly eased my tension, but I still didn’t trust her not to disappear. She was probably correct in that she could elude me for eternity. Clearly Sirens could create wrinkles in time that were undetectable. The thought of it was unacceptable. She was mine.
“I’m serious,” I hissed as I wound her thick hair in my hands and brought her lips to mine. “Tell me you won’t disappear on me. Ever. I will come after you and drag you back.”
“That’s not very nice.”
“I’m not a nice man—at all.”
“Tell me you’ll try.” She pushed up, placed her hand on her heart and waited.
My stomach plunged. She wanted the truth. I didn’t even know what the fucking truth meant. Would I try? Yes. If that’s what it would take to keep her, I would try. But I could also guarantee that the chances of it working were slim to none.
Slowly I put my hand on my chest and nodded. Her sigh of relief pierced my dead heart and made me feel like a scoundrel. I knew I couldn’t love her. I could want her and need her, but love her? No.
“Ready to die, Devil?” she asked with a devious little smile on her lips.
“Ready to have a long overdue orgasm, Siren?” I shot back as my body tingled with lust and a need so great I was concerned both of us would end up engulfed in flame.
“Yes, I am. You’re sure about this?”
“Never been more sure of anything in my life.”
Elle leaned down and pressed her open mouth to mine. Slowly our tongues tangled in a carnal rhythm. Our bodies aligned and rubbed together sinfully, causing sparks. Flames—hers black and mine orange—mixed and danced over our heated bodies. It was surreal and like nothing I’d ever known.
Her desire for me matched mine for her. I was so hard from wanting my Siren that I was in exquisite pain. Flipping her to her back, I moved down her body, tasting every inch. She was slick with moisture when I arrived at the place I most desired to be, and my cock—heavy with need—throbbed for her.
“I’m going to fuck you with my tongue until you beg for mercy.”
Her whimper was all the encouragement I needed.
My Siren’s legs wrapped around my neck and her amethyst eyes grew wide as a gorgeous groan left her lips. I lowered my head and continued my quest, licking, sucking and nipping with an appetite borne of sheer greed for her. I took her in my mouth as she mumbled unintelligible words of lust. Her body bucked and shuddered as she rode out orgasm after orgasm.
“If anything seems off, you have to stop,” she cried out as she twisted and arched with the pleasure spiraling through her.
It was the most glorious sight. Sweat glistened on her luminous body and the light from her eyes bathed the room in a purple glow. She looked like a fucking Angel.
“If you feel like you’re going to die, stop or I’ll kill you,” she hissed as yet another orgasm took her.
“Are you threatening me as I go down on you?” I asked with a chuckle as I went back in for another taste.
“I think you might be killing me and I’m pretty sure we just burnt the Hell out of your bedspread.”
She swallowed any other inane comment she had and instead gasped as I pushed two fingers inside her. I happily and hungrily went back to one of my all time favorite pastimes. I sucked until she screamed for mercy.
When I was bad, I was very, very bad, but when I was good? I was fucking awesome.
Pausing for a moment, I watched her orgasm with conceit and masculine pride. She was gorgeous and she was mine.
“Are you dead?” she asked in a shaky voice, sitting up and checking my pulse. “Did we burn the Palace down?”
“Palace is still standing and I’m definitely not dead,” I promised, moving up her body and parting her trembling legs. “Not even close.”
“I want you, Lucifer. Now,” she insisted, writhing beneath me.
She didn’t have to ask twice.
Unable to control my frenzied nee
d, I lunged down on her and took her mouth as she guided me into her. There was nothing slow—nothing gentle. Her teeth grazed my neck as I slammed into her and heaved out huge gusts of air as my entire body tightened to the point of agony. Nothing had ever felt so good—so fucking right.
Throwing every technique I’d learned in my time to the wind, I discovered what sex was meant to be—humbling, raw and explosive.
Elle shrieked at my entry and her nails raked my back as she met each violent thrust with abandon. Wrapping my hand around the back of her neck, I took her like a wild man. My vision blurred and the tightness in my balls was painfully perfect.
“More, Devil. Harder,” she begged in a musical tone that I felt from the tip of my toes to the top of my head. Her back arched and the muscles in her neck distended.
“With pleasure, Siren,” I growled and did as requested.
When we came, we came together. Flames of orange and black fire licked at our skin as the most massive orgasm I’d known raged through my wicked body. Giving her everything I had, I almost passed out.
Unheard of for the Master of Seduction—but then again, I’d never met my match until now.
“Are we dead?” Elle asked as she lay draped over my body limp and breathless.
“If this is dead, sign me up,” I replied gruffly. I would never get enough of my Siren. Never.
“I think I want to do that again,” Elle whispered on a giggle, her hands coaxing me back to life.
I needed no coaxing. All she had to do was be near me. My need for her was almost unbearable.
“I think that could be arranged.”
I flipped her over to her stomach and took a brief second to admire the shape of her ass—absolute perfection.
“Can you really go again?” she asked, looking over her shoulder at me with a smile so seductive I almost came right that second.
“I can go for an eternity with you, Adrielle Rinoa. I’m the goddamned Devil.”