Were Me Out Page 6
“I’m sure. Never been more sure about anything in my whole life,” I said, whipping the boob tube over my head and tossing it to the floor.
I’d never been so bold, but I was going with my hopefully unbroken instincts.
“What about the PC?” he gasped out, staring at my naked chest.
“The PC can wait,” I purred as I hopped off his lap and made my way down the hallway toward his bedroom.
“This is the best goddang day of my life,” Junior shouted as he tore after me, shedding clothes as he ran.
I just hoped he felt the same way in the morning when he realized why I’d rushed.
Chapter Eight
“Wait,” I shouted as I stood topless and completely out of my element in the middle of Junior’s geektastic man-cave bedroom.
He’d clearly done his decorating himself—or at least I hoped so. The wall of computers and monitors surrounding the largest flat screen TV I’d ever seen almost dominated the room.
But it was the bed that won the competition for attention. It was enormous just like him and the crowning jewel was the comforter and sheets—they were Star Trek themed.
It was possibly the most hilarious, sweetest, nerdy décor I’d ever witnessed.
I was so surprised at the Spock pillowcases and the Uhura throw rug I almost missed the Starship and her entire crew sitting on the shelves below Junior’s security camera feed.
However, as at home as I felt in Nerdville, I was also terrified at the enormity of what I was about to do.
Junior froze with his zipper half way down and an expression of resigned acceptance on his gorgeous face.
“We can wait, baby,” he wheezed out with a pained grimace as he doubled over at the waist in agony. “But you’re gonna have to cover your boobs. Can’t look at your 36Cs if we’re just gonna hang out tonight. And I’m totally good with hanging. Promise. I’ll just have to take a quick cold shower and get an ice pack.”
“Umm, no,” I said quickly. “I don’t want to wait. I just need to tell you a few things before we…you know, umm…do it.”
“Oookay. Is this gonna take a while? Cause if it is, you need to cover your boobs.”
Quickly grabbing the Captain Kirk fleece blanket at the end of the bed, I covered my girls.
“William Shatner is a dang lucky man,” Junior said, most likely referring to Captain Kirk’s face plastered to my nipples.
There were things I needed to tell him before we mated—which was very close to becoming a reality. He needed to know that I’d always loved him.
I wanted to tell him how brilliant I thought he was and how insanely hot.
Making him aware of my utter lack of experience in the sack was only fair. I wasn’t a virgin, but the thought of disappointing him was horrifying.
And I needed to come clean about the challenge from the Alabama pack and why I wasn’t waiting anymore. I needed to make him understand that there was no way I was going to let him fight those crazy bastards alone, but his naked chest and bulging biceps kept distracting me.
But first things first…
“I have one extra question that doesn’t actually pertain,” I told him as I glanced around the homage to Star Trek.
“Make it quick,” he pleaded.
“Have you ever had another woman in your, umm…bedroom? Not that it matters or anything,” I added, thinking I surely would have heard about the décor. I mean the fact that his room looked like it belonged to a ten year old boy would have spread like wild fire in these parts.
“Absolutely not,” he confirmed my suspicion to my great delight. “This is my sanctuary. Only my true mate is allowed into my mildly embarrassing private sanctum. Any other questions? Also you can play with the Star Trek stuff any time you want.”
Ohmyhell, he was being so polite it almost made me almost forget what I wanted to say.
“Okay, I’ll make this fast,” I told a very grateful Junior. “I’ve loved you forever. I’m sorry I didn’t realize we were mates. I never would have gone away for so long and I…”
His freakin’ chest was so damn distracting—the light sprinkling of dark hair that vee’d down to his mighty Archimedes. Shit. I knew there was more I needed to tell him. What the hell was it?
“Ohmygod,” I mumbled as a slow grin spread across Junior’s face and he began to slowly remove more of his clothing. This of course only added to my sex-addled brain drain. “I might suck in bed. I’ve had sex, which I know you don’t want to hear about, but I’ve never actually had an orgasm. So if I don’t have one—it’s not you—it’s me.”
“Not gonna be a problem,” he informed me cockily as his stepped out of his pants and revealed his light grey boxer briefs that barely contained his very happy Archimedes. “I plan to boldly go where no man has gone before.”
My throat went dry and my desire ramped up to levels I didn’t know existed. He was quoting Star Trek, for the love of God, and I almost came in my panties. I was as much of a nerd as he was. Freakin’ all kinds of awesome.
“Do you plan to beam me up, Scotty?” I asked with a giggle as I slid my mini skirt over my bottom and let it fall to the floor.
“Damn it Jim, I’m a Werewolf, not an astronaut,” he replied, playing my game and whistling with appreciation at my now naked body. “However the Prime Directive is not enforceable at the moment.”
“You lost me,” I said as I coyly backed away from an advancing Junior.
His eyes had turned from brilliant green to icy blue with lust and I could feel that mine had followed suit. Our fangs had dropped and I was so turned on, I was dizzy. Grabbing onto the post of the bed I held my ground as he continued to stalk me like prey. It was all kinds of hot and I hoped like hell I didn’t disappoint him.
Dang, I was pretty sure there was something else I needed to tell him, but the time for logical conversation had long passed. We were on our way to a strange new world of our own. I’d figure it out later.
“My brain isn’t working at warp speed,” he informed me with a sexy lopsided grin, referring to the excited problem in his pants. “But the Prime Directive basically says—Look. Don’t touch.”
“Isn’t that referring to using our technology on species less advanced than we are?” I inquired as I turned sideways and bent from the waist to remove my stilettos.
Maybe Essie was right—my instincts weren’t broken. Junior was practically hyperventilating as I made sure he got a perfect view of my bare bottom.
“You have a point,” he concurred. “But my eyes are pretty much trapped in the gravitational field of your very fine ass right now. Don’t have the brain power to debate the Prime Directive.”
“Is a hull breach imminent, Captain?” I purred with a sexual confidence I didn’t know I possessed.
Junior’s delighted bellow of laughter went all through me and my desperation to touch him overwhelmed me.
“Earth woman, prepare to be probed,” he said as he crossed the room with Werewolf speed, picked up my tingling body and tossed me onto the bed.
Squealing with joy, I helped him remove the rest of his clothing only to come to a dead stop in my mission. With wide eyes and an unsure expression, I pointed at Archimedes of Syracuse.
“That’s not going to fit,” I whispered to the absolute amusement of Junior.
“Baby, trust me. It will fit. And just so you know, I plan to spend a good long time making sure you are completely primed for flight.”
“I do trust you,” I said, running my hands greedily over his beautifully muscled chest and arms. “On the very outside chance that you might like this—umm, I was wondering if I should smack your balls at some point.”
Junior tried not to laugh.
He failed.
“I’m gonna go with a no on that one. Where did you research that information?”
“Dwayne,” I whispered, totally wanting to die.
“Not surprising,” Junior replied with a laugh and a shake of his head.
“Yep,” I mumbled as I hid
my face in his neck. “I mean, it didn’t sound right to me and you’re not a Viking or a voodoo witch doctor with random piercings, so…”
“Definitely not a Viking or voodoo witch doctor.”
“Noted,” I replied, still trying to hide my embarrassment.
“Look at me,” Junior said as he lay next to me and lifted my chin.
A warmth washed over me and settled in my heart. His beauty was ridiculous, but his kindness and adoration for me far outweighed his movie star looks.
“Wanna explain?” he asked as he planted a sweet kiss on my lips.
“No, but I will,” I said as I wrinkled my nose. “I, umm…was worried about being boring and Dwayne volunteered some… tips and techniques.”
“All you have to do is be right here, right now—with me. Just love me as much as I love you and it’s gonna be perfect,” he promised. “I’ve had sex. You’ve had sex. That’s all it was. This is magic. You’re my true mate and I’m yours. This goes far beyond sex.”
“Wait,” I said trying to sit up in protest. “We’re not having sex?”
“Baby, we’re going to have so much sex, you won’t be able to walk for a week,” he assured me with a sexy chuckle that made me get goosebumps all over. “I’ve been waitin’ to get into your pants most of my life—dreamt about it, fantasized about it, but in all my imaginings it wasn’t nearly as good as this.”
“Really?” I asked, getting braver and letting my hands wander lower.
“Really,” Junior said hoarsely, closing his eyes and enjoying my touch.
His long lashes belonged on a girl and his full lips waited patiently for me. He was hard and smooth and my fingers traced every ridge and valley of the breathtaking landscape.
“If you keep getting to know my Archimedes like that, it’s gonna be over before it starts,” he whispered as he gently removed my curious hands and laid me on my back.
“I love you, Sandy Moongie. You’re so dang beautiful it makes my teeth hurt, but even sexier is your freakin’ hacker abilities, your brain, your knife throwing skills and your heart. You’re everything I’ve ever needed and wanted and I’m gonna make you come so hard you won’t remember any other guy you’ve ever had the misfortune of knowing,” Junior bragged with a smirk so hot, I was on the verge of an orgasm with his words alone.
“Right back at you, Big Boy,” I gasped out, arching into his hands as they memorized my 36Cs.
Junior’s breathing was unsteady and his hands trembled as they became acquainted each inch of my body. His mouth followed the same path as his hands and a heat coiled low in my belly and settled between my legs.
“So damn hot,” he muttered against my skin as he pressed his lips to my most sensitive spot.
I screamed.
His tongue and lips expertly brought me to a place I’d never been and never wanted to leave.
“Ohmygod, ohmygod,” I squealed as bursts of color shot across my vision and my body tightened in an orgasm that left me breathless.
“Gonna be gentle, gonna be gentle, gonna be gentle,” Junior mumbled as his hands roamed my body while the aftershocks of the most massive—and only—orgasm I’d ever had still rocked through me.
“I don’t want gentle,” I gasped out, feeling the beginnings of a second orgasm coming on. “I want you. Now.”
I pushed him to his back and crawled on top of him. He was such a beautiful man. My breath caught in my throat as my eyes roamed his body. I definitely had instincts and they rocked—not broken at all. My body sang and I felt more alive than I’d ever been—not to mention, naughty, sexy and all kinds of happy.
Junior moaned as I leaned forward and pressed my naked breasts against his chest. A new more intense heat unfurled in my lower regions and I knew I couldn’t wait much longer. I traced his lips with my fingertips and followed up with my tongue. His harsh intake of breath as I nibbled at his bottom lip thrilled me.
Exploring his mouth was every kind of hot. Closing my eyes, my entire body tightened in anticipation of what we were about to do. This was definitely the best decision I’d ever made to date.
I rubbed on him like a cat in heat and he gripped my ass so hard it teetered at that awesome place between pleasure and pain.
“Baby, if you keep doing that I’m gonna take you now—hard and fast,” he growled, scraping the soft part of my neck where it met my shoulder with his sharp fangs.
“Do it,” I begged, needing him inside me more than I needed air.
“Look at me, Sandy,” he demanded harshly. “Look in my eyes. I need to know you’re with me.”
Opening my eyes, I gasped. His eyes were wild and his gorgeous wolf was very close to the surface. My own wolf urged me on fiercely. She wanted what was hers and she wanted it now. Junior’s intensity was almost frightening, but hotter than hell. I ached for him so badly it actually hurt. Speech eluded me as I ground my body against his trying to show him what I wanted. Arching my body, I offered myself to him—my heart, my body and my soul.
“Need you…need you now,” I mumbled incoherently.
“You’re not ready yet,” he hissed as his fangs slid along my breast, sending shock waves through my body.
“I am so ready,” I insisted, taking him in my hand and leading him to where I desperately wanted him to be.
His eyes were unfocused and his breathing was labored. He entered me slowly, watching for my reaction the entire time. I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth at the beautiful invasion and closed my eyes.
“I think it’s gonna fit,” Junior whispered in my ear as he eased himself in to the hilt.
“You think?” I asked with a giggle.
“I don’t think. I know.”
The fit was tight and every kind of perfect. I writhed underneath him, urging him on.
“Baby, I can’t go slow anymore,” he hissed as he began to move in and out of me. “You with me?”
“I am so with you.” I moaned as I contracted around his length and little sparks slid across my vision. The fullness I felt with him inside me was everything I never knew I was missing.
It was perfect. And then it got even better. Junior increased the speed of his thrusts to something that should have terrified me—however, it only made me hornier.
“You’re mine,” he growled.
He thickened and grew larger inside me, throwing me into yet another shrieking orgasm. The sounds that were coming from deep in his throat were so sexy and raw, it almost made me cry with joy…but I was too busy screaming my pleasure and I didn’t want to confuse him again with my ping-ponging emotions. As he came, he threw his head back and howled.
And then I had orgasm number I-don’t-even-know-what.
“I love you,” I cried out as he continued to rock into my body and scraped his fangs along my neck.
“You ready?”
“For what?” I asked confused. I’d already come more times than I thought possible.
Junior’s laugh should have embarrassed me, but everything he did just increased my need for him.
“I’m gonna bite you and you’re gonna bite me back. No turning back now, baby. We’re gonna make this permanent”
“Bring it on, Big Boy,” I gasped out.
And he did.
No…We did.
And it was freakin’ insane.
Our skin popped as we pierced each other’s necks. The burn from the bite went quickly from pain to unfathomable pleasure. My scream sounded far away as my body tightened in an orgasm that I was sure would kill me dead. Junior’s body shook as we made each other ours like only those of our kind could do. Someplace deep inside me merged with him and the feeling of rightness overwhelmed me.
Never had I felt so close to a person. It was if we’d crawled inside of each other and buried ourselves in each other’s hearts. I was awed and humbled and still so freakin’ horny it was mindboggling. The next orgasm that blasted through both of us was so intense, I dang near passed out.
The aftershocks rocked my world
and Junior swore as he came on a shudder and a shout. I held on for dear life as we merged our hearts, souls and lives.
“Are we still alive?” I gasped out as he held me close and pressed little kisses all over my face.
“I think so,” he replied with an exhausted grin. “That was…”
“Insane,” he added.
“It was perfect just like you,” Junior said crushing my limp and happy body against his. “You’re my everything, Sandy.”
“Right back at you,” I whispered as I snuggled closer and listened to his heart beat in his chest. “I love you Junior aka Jacob Wilson.”
“I love you more, Sandy soon to be Wilson.”
“Was that a proposal?” I asked with an eye roll and a groan.
“Yep. It kind of sucked didn’t it?” he inquired with a silly grin.
“It did. You’ll have to do better tomorrow before I say yes,” I informed him as I tweaked a few chest hairs. At least I didn’t slap his nuts…
“Noted. I’m still gonna be a jackhole at times,” Junior said as he played with my hair and held me close.
“And I’m gonna call you an asshat on a fairly regular basis,” I replied loving the feel of his hands on me.
“I can work with that. But you’re gonna have to let me protect you. Very little would kill me except for losing you. So while I’ll try to be a modern man and be good with you being an independent woman, you’re gonna have to be patient. Deal?” he asked, pressing his lips to my forehead.
“I plan to protect you right back,” I told him remembering the thing I forget to tell him earlier.
Shit. He was going to have a cow when he figured out exactly how I planned to protect him. Should I come clean now?
I wanted to bask in his love before our first big fight.
Reality could wait till morning.
Chapter Nine
“The Doctor McCoy bath towel verges on overkill,” I said trying not to laugh.
“I beg to differ,” he shot back, flexing his considerable muscles and dancing around the bathroom.